Thursday, May 17, 2012

"Your Kind Will Never Understand War, Hobbit"

says your dad to me from time to time.

To which I respond:  "If more of us valued food and cheer over hoarded gold,
this would be a merrier world." (from the Hobbit by JRR Tolkien

When tempers rise, your dad says "wait a minute, wait a minute, let's talk about this.
I'm not a rabbi for nothing you know..."(from the Movie Frisco Kid)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

"The Stoning of the Organist" Acts 29

1And it came to pass, when Paul was at Corinth, he and certain disciples came upon a mob that was stoning an organist.                                                                                     
                    2And Paul said unto them, "What then hath he done unto thee that his head should be bruised?"                                            
3And the people cried with one voice, "He hath played too loud.  
4Yea, in the singing of psalms, he maketh our heads to ring as if they were beaten with hammers.                          
5Behold, he sitteth up high in the loft, and mighty are the pipes and mighty is the noise thereof, and though there be few of us below, he nonetheless playeth with all the stops, the Assyrian trumpet stop and the stop of the ram's horn and the stop that soundeth like the sawing of stone, and we cannot hear the words that cometh out of our own mouths.          
6He always tosseth in the variations that confuse us mightily and playeth loud and discordant and always in a militant tempo, so that we have not time to breathe as we sing.  
7Lo, he is a plague upon the faith and should be chastised."       
8Paul, hearing this, had himself picked up a small stone, and was about to cast it, but he set it down and bade the organist come forward.                                                                     
 9He was a narrow man, pale of complexion, dry, flaking thin of hair.   
10And Paul said unto him, "Why hath thou so abused thy brethren?"       
11And the organist replied, "I could not hear them singing from where I sat, and therefore played the louder so as to encourage them."
12 Paul turned round to the mob and said loudly, "Let him who has never played an organ cast the first stone."                     
13And they cast stones for awhile until their arms were tired and Paul bade the organist repent and he did.  
14And Paul said unto him, "Thou shalt take up the flute and play it for thirty days, to cleanse thy spirit."                                             
15And afterward, they returned to Corinth and sang psalms unaccompanied and then had coffee and were refreshed in the faith.
By Garrison Keillor

Classification:  Humour

For Donna, also for the organist in our congregation who does indeed use the "Assyrian  Trumpet Stop"

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Let Me Live So That When I Die, Even the Undertaker is Sorry

So let me live
That when I die
A tear will come
To every eye
In every heart
There'll be a spot
An empty place
Where I am not.
And folks will say
With grief inside:
"I sort of wish
She hadn't died."

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Your Mom Learns to Cook

Once upon a time I planned to be
An artist of celebrity

A song I thought to write one day
And all the world would homage pay

I longed to write a noted book
But what I did was learn to cook.

For life with single tasks is filled
And I have not done what I willed

Yet when I see boy’s hungry eyes
I’m glad I make good apple pies

classification:  home and family

Did I ever tell you I didn't cook much when I was in my mother's home? Pasta, mostly, it seems.
In college I ate canned green beans since I shopped once a semester and mostly lived on charitable snacks from class-mates.  I learned to cook much later and set about learning the chemistry of how to actually MAKE things.  Now I am glad I did, and it pleases me very much to hear my children talk about cooking in their own households.